Friday, April 1, 2011

Lots to do

Today will prove to be a full day. First, I am going to go around to a few shops and see if anyone can find out what is wrong with my amp for my car, maybe its something that is an easy fix, I really want to have the bump in my trunk again, if you know what I mean, haha.

Rehab today, shoulder is feeling better, but not 100% I think. More like something around 50%, but I'm not sure. I think I will post another puck handling video tonight, along with maybe another video Saturday at the track.

Please share this with you friends!

Life comes at you fast

The last couple days have been pretty amazing. After being in the gym everyday, and in the garage working on my hands and stuff, I took a small break for the past couple days to maybe get a job, or fix a few things of mine.

First thing on my list on BIG to-do's was getting a job, which isn't easy in Detroit's economy. In fact, its near impossible. I started trying to do a few things online, we will see how that goes.

Next was working on my car a little bit, I am working on fixing my dead Subwoofer Amp in the back of my car, which again takes quite a bit of expertise, so lots of surfing the web looking for answers, it will come, just not now.

Now, back to the grind, going to put up a stickhandling video tomorrow, and more than likely a track video too, we will see.

My diet the last couple days has been good but not great, I will post final numbers ASAP.

Sorry for the irregularity of my posts, it will get back to normal once I find work and get some GOOD sleep, for a change.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Better Day, Really Tired

Had a pretty good day today, was on the Ice for 2-3 hours, in the gym for an hour, and lots of stretching.

Went on the ice today for some pick-up with some friends, skated pretty well and hard, but not the best shooting.  Really good overall hands when trying to dangle and such, but bad shooting as all.  I got a pretty hard workout in though because there were only a couple guys on each bench and most of us were skating 90-100%, felt good to get that kind of sweat going.

Was in the gym, and worked Bi's and Forearms.  Really hard workout, but had a headache through the WHOLE thing.  Its rare, last time I had a headache was a couple months ago, maybe longer.  But still got a pretty good pump going, might be a little sore tomorrow, but thats the idea right?

My diet intake for the day was pretty high considering the sweat I got on ice, nearly 4000cals, 675g carbs, 150g protein, 75g fat.  I needed the extra though, so no big deal, probably going to go for 3000cals, 500g carbs, 200g protein, 50g fat tomorrow.  Tomorrow's a wreck though, Job Interview, then Physcial Therapy, then Deep Tissue Massage, which will great.  I'm probably just going to be doing hands tomorrow, as I have a feeling I will be pretty sore and tired.

As for how I track my nutrition, go here.  Great site for tracking what you eat.

New video of yesterday's stick handling is up, Check it out!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The past and the future...

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, it was quite a strange day.  I got up pretty early to take my dad to work, and never really had a the good night of sleep I wanted.  I ended up going to the gym and the track and just worked on my flexibilty and my explosiveness a little bit with box jumps.

I ended the day yesterday with something like 3200cals, 550g carbs, 200g protein, 30g fat.  Again not the day I wanted.

I also did a lot of stickhandling, and I will post that video later today.

I will be on the ice A LOT today, spending the better part of 3 hours on the ice, so I will probably only stretch out, and do some stuff in my basement to insure the recovery of my legs for tomorrow.

I will probably end up stickhandling more today, and I will try and post that video later today also.

Going to try for 3000cals, 450g carbs, 175g protein, 40g fat today.

Sorry I have been so busy, but I will try and post a little more objectivity in my next post.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bad night of Sleep

Not a great night of sleep last night, wish I would have gotten a lot better sleep but not much I can do other than maybe a long nap during the day today.

Forgot to mention that today will be my 3rd session of therapy, and even though my shoulder hurts, I feel that it is getting stronger each and every day.

Today looks to be a good day, I am not as sore as I thought I was going to be, I just am a little sore in the bottom of my hamstrings.  Todays workout looks like just lots of dynamic stretching, maybe some cardio on the elliptical at the gym, and lots of stick handling.  And possibly P90x Stretch or Ab Ripper.

As far as diet is concerned today, I am looking at going REALLY lean today, maybe only 20-30g of fat, and lots less simple carbs than usual.  Definitely no chips today!

I am looking forward to also looking around for part-time work, I think unless my Ad Sense account starts really banking in on my Blogging or Youtube Videos, I need to be working 30-40 hours/week.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Today's Workout/Diet

Today was a big day for my workout routine. I went to a local hill where I warmed up (sister wasn't around to film), and did numerous runs/squats up the hill (30-45% incline), got everything loose, then went to the track for an hour and half. 

I will probably be sore a little tomorrow, which is good, but rare, it takes a lot to get my legs sore right now. 

I have been stretching/(stationary)biking every 15-30 mins since I got home at 6 PM EST, because I can already feel them tightening up. I worked hard on stairs (love doing stairs, great workout/warm up, and great work for your explosiveness) for 10 mins, then did 20s (yards), 40s, and lots of plyo, and dynamic stretching, along with some hardcore squat, hockey stuff. 

I think I will definitely see better 40 times by Wednesday of this week or friday after I take a couple day break from the track to let everything heal.

Definitely going to be going hard tomorrow in the gym, or I will be going hard in the garage with lots of hands work, I have been in the garage in a couple days, and I feel rusty even after being on the ice on Saturday real good (I guess I have too much desire to get better haha).

If I don't go in the gym tomorrow, it will be lots of dynamic stretching tomorrow, and probably a lot of biking and static stretching, with some hands work.  Going to probably keep my diet down to 2000cals tomorrow, along with lots of protein.  Maybe as much as 40% of diet being protein (200grams(ish), it might be overkill, but I feel that either way I will need it, along with lots of Creatine.

Todays Diet, which still isn't over (Gonna hit a solid protein/creatine shake within the next hour or so).  Goes something like this, 3000cals, 500g carbs, 175g protein, 45g fat.  I know, I ate a lot of crappy food today, promise tomorrow it will be back to 2000cals, 350g carbs, 175 protein, 30g fat.

Have a good night, Imma hit the sheets early.

First Post

Well, being my first post, I will try to go as simple as possible.  Today looks to be a pretty easy day.  I got up at like 8 today, which is mega weird, but I got to sleep a lot earlier than I usually do last night.  I've been hitting it hard in the gym, track, rink, and everywhere, seems like I work out 24/7, but I like it that way.

Worked Legs hard in the gym yesterday, and now today my traps hurt, due to the fact that I was holding 60+ in each dumbbells all the time.  But my legs might be slightly tight, but I feel like I usually do.  I was working on my Box jump yesterday, got all the way up to a little over 45" running, and 42" standing.

Today is looking pretty simple, probably going to go to the gym before it closes at noon (I know wtf right), definately go to the track today, probably go in the garage and work on hands, and probably do P90x Stretch.  <<Normal hard workout day.