Friday, November 4, 2011

Back on the ice today

Got on the ice today, thought I would be really rusty, but wasn't at all.

Everything was like I had never left except for shooting at stand-still which was garbage.

Hands actually felt better.

Didn't get the burn to play again though.


I had a SICK leg day a few days ago.

I am really starting to like the Hack Squat Machine.  Hit 320x6x3 going past maybe 60 degrees.  Feel like a fucking beast.

My in-between sets were a 40(ish)inch Box Jump x3, everyone in the gym thought I was nuts....I was like dude, there are people that can do like 65inches.

I am going to be on the ice tomorrow for the first time in over 6 weeks.  Looking forward to it.  Lastly, I am going to hit Chest tomorrow, hoping to break the 200lb (reality, not theoretical barrier).  Actually I am hoping to SMASH it.  Or maybe I will just KILL chest and tri's then for my last workout before my deload/stretch week, I will trash the 200lb barrier.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Breaking PRs every week feels good

Broke another PR today.  Hit the EZ BAR Curl for 100 lbs even, 3 reps, slightly swinging but not as much as last week.  2 weeks ago I got it for 95 swinging a lot.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Flu Shot + Shoulder Workout

After getting a Flu Shot yesterday, I pumped out a Shoulder/Trap workout today.

Hit 90lbs (+Smith) x2 reps for my PR for Overhead Press.  Definitely feeling quite a bit stronger in my shoulders since October 1st.