Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chest workout and a Surprise!

After a couple days deload, I felt that my immune system was back up to par.  I'm still probably only feeling 75% but, nonetheless.  [URL=""]No excuses.[/URL]  I benched yesterday, and didn't do very well in my opinion.  Maxed out at 195lbsx1x1 on plain Bench.

After watching 'So you think you can bench', I definitely will be changing the way I bench in the future.  First, I will try and learn to pull the bar apart, and squeeze it more.  Second, I will start Arching my back, using my legs to push off, to use the entire body during the workout.

After trying to max out (tried 215 and failed);

Decline Dumbbell Bench 65(ea)x10x3
Close Grip Bench, Holding it at top for a 3-5 count 135x8x3

Low Cable Flys 60x8x3
Dips Bodyweight 8x3

Low Cable Flys
Benching Bar, working on Form 45x10x5

Benching Bar, working on Form 45x10x5
Incline Pushups Body weight 15x3

Seated Tricep Overhead Extensions 45x10x3
Tricep Kickbacks 20(ea)x10x3

Weighted Legs on Floor Dips B+35x9x4
One Arm Tricep Cable Pulldowns 40x8x3

After this workout, I know for sure that my Chest is severly behind my Triceps.  I think if my Chest was up to par with my Triceps I could probably bench upwards of 275ish.

BTW, just got my....

YEAH BUDDY.:thumb: