Saturday, January 7, 2012

My split

[quote name="MOCAMBO" url="/t/471705/official-ocn-workout-fitness-thread/7100_100#post_16132501"]
What kind of split are you on now? [/quote]

Unlike many people, I don't do the same thing every week.  I change it up every week (in terms of what day I do workouts).  I don't even really do the same exercises or reps, or even same sets every workout.  Every workout I go in with a mindset of getting swollen, and to be sore the next day.

For example, this week....

1/8-Rest? Or Legs (not sure how I feel in the morning)

Anything past that is up to how my body is feeling.  My labrum tear is starting to show a little (not literally), I can certainly feel my right shoulder feeling a little weaker in general than my left.  I am bulking until March 1st-15th, then having the surgery, and cutting starting a month after that.  The reason I am saying this, is because everyday, I wake up and asses what I want to do in terms of working out that day.  The past two days I have hit arms pretty hard, and honestly I don't want to snap my Bicep tendon to my Labrum for real.  I think the doc said that the way it looks now, the tendon part that is attaching the bicep tendon to the labrum is frayed (in english.  read the post a few up to see the technical info).

I would like to get a few things done tomorrow, and a rest day sounds good, but otherwise ill hit legs.

I am also really watching my back, my low back has been naggingly hurting for the past few months whenever I hit Deadlift or Squat on a heavy weight.  I am honestly not going to hit Back or Legs much until after my surgery and rehab, because first I want to get a little more proportional in my top half, and doing really heavy deadlift can really increase the risk of a full tear of my Bicep Tendon.

Clear as mud?

Bis and F's and Abs today

Today's workout, I need to resize it next time, but this is how I will be posting my workouts now.

Thursday, January 5, 2012