Saturday, June 11, 2011

28 miles

Biked 28 miles yesterday.

BPM was around 90 for 1/3, 120 for 1/3, and 160 for 1/3. Great sweat, not sore today, hopefully I can do it a lot more.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bring on the Icebath!

Little update on my stuff guys....

Recently relocated to Maryland to start training with some Pros and College guys over the summer.

Testing Day 1 (June 5th) - Was in great shape, and tested really well, can't wait to see how I stacked up. I know my 20yd Dash was 2.5sec. My Vertical was 24in (should have been closer to 30 if I was truly warmed up, and didn't have to drive 9 hours the day before....but no excuses I suppose). And we did a test called "Wingate" really hardcore, but I was in the top 5%.

Day 2 and 3 (June 6, 7) - LOTS of Plyo, and Dynamic stretching, and I THOUGHT I was in good shape going into this, I definitely over-estimated myself. Very sore all June 7th and June 8th. Mainly my Glutes.

Our workout went something like this (all PM and times);

June 6th; 5-530, Hardcore Dynamic Stretching. 530-645, Hardcore Plyometrics, lots of Lunges and squat-like movements (15-20 sets).

7-8, On Ice, Lots of Skating.

815-9, Jog, 9min mile pace.

9-930 cool down static stretch.

I went through a gallon and a half of water from 4-11PM that day.

June 7th, almost identical workout except no run, and different workouts in the plyo.

June 8th, Dynamic Stretch, In Gym workout whole body core work.

More pucks on the ice, and just a cooldown.

Today should be much more simple, then a break Friday (I might do yoga on my own, and bike a bit). Note, that everyday I am taking shots in my backyard too, 100-150. Then we have a setup game Saturday and a Lecture on Nutrition, Psycology, and such. Then back to the Plyo on Monday.

I like being sore.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New home, new beginnings...

So June 4th, I (not my family) moved out to Maryland to train the entire summer for the upcoming hockey season.

The move went great, 8 hour drive, then lots of rest June 4th.

June 5th was a great workout day, 10 miles on the bike, then lots of plyo, P90x ab ripper. Then at NH we did even more plyo, testing, and some other fun things.

June 6th was a good day, lots of working out, learning my new billet family's in's and out's. Simple life, its looking like it will be something like this the whole summer long;

Sleep - 1am-9am
Stretching, Fueling up, Shooting, and having fun, maybe do a little work 9-5.
Workout 6-11pm

June 7th, fairly sore, but feeling good about the workouts I did in March-May, otherwise, I would probably be much more sore.

We will see what the future brings....already seeing gains, and ripping it up on the ice.