Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Training Camp

So over the next couple weeks or so, I will be posting regarding my Training Camp for this upcoming hockey season with my team.

Day 1 (8/15/11) - After getting a lot of politics(ish) stuff out of the way, training camp finally arrived. I went in with a different attitude than I have previously because I knew a good percentage of the team and knew the coach and surrounding cast.

The day started out for me at 9am wake up, with a good breakfast of bagels and Wheaties.

After arriving at the rink at 12 noon, we had a team meeting until roughly 1:30pm. At which point we were given workout gear, and sent outside to what we thought was the warmup to a day of testing. No.

We worked out outside for roughly an hour doing calisthenics/plyometrics/cardio work.

We then moved into a cycling room where we worked our legs on the bikes for around 15 minutes of hell. Then we tested our Bench, and Squat, both numbers I won't disclose because I feel they are inferior to my PR's.

After all this we went back outside to do a timed 2.2mile run. I finished with a time of 15minutes, 23 seconds, which is pretty good considering how much stuff we did prior.

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