Friday, June 24, 2011

Pulled Groin, Sticks, and Happiness

Good couple days of workouts this week, really cutting down nicely. Inching closer and closer to my goal of 6% BF.

After Wednesday's off-ice workout at Network I pulled both my groin's my right more than my left, and now I am resting them for a few days.

I think I need the break, but also I don't like the fact that I am sitting on my butt a lot.

I broke 3 sticks in the past week, not very happy about that, hoping to get a few sticks starting July 3rd and rip it up.

I have been really unhappy lately, sad about life, under pressure to play really well, and worried about a bunch of stuff. My parents splitting up doesn't help, money's tight, and its all climaxing. Its hard to perform when your always thinking, 'I better not break this stick or else I will need another one, and my parents can't pay for it', so you shoot with less punch.

Hopefully things will get better.

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